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Gender + Feminist Media


Ramasubramanian, S. & Banjo, O. (2020). Critical media effects framework: Bridging critical cultural communication and media effects through power, intersectionality, context, and agency. Journal of Communication, 70(3), 379–400, doi:  Direct Link  ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S., Winfield, A., & Riewestahl, E.  (2020). Positive stereotypes and counter-stereotypes: Examining their effects on prejudice reduction and favorable intergroup relations. In A. Billings & S. Parrott (Eds.), Media Stereotypes: From Ageism to Xenophobia (257-276). Peter Lang Publishers.   Full-Text   ResearchGate


Ramasubramanian, S. (2019). Feminism and inclusive leadership: Bridging tradition and modernity from an Indic perspective. In S. Bodhananda, T. Agerwala, & S. Menon (Eds.). (pp. 213-243; Chapter 9). Routledge: London, U.K. Inclusive Leadership: Perspectives from Tradition and Modernity. Routledge: London, U.K.   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Winfield, A. & Ramasubramanian, S. (November, 2019). Colorism & Catfish(ing): Online Deception, Romantic Relationships, and the Effects of Skin Tone Bias in Catfish, The TV Show, In Media Res

Dill-Shackleford, K., Ramasubramanian, S. & Drake, L. (2018). Stories about Black men and their consequences for health. Perspectives on Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health, (pp. 151-168; Chapter 9); National Academy of Medicine.   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Dill-Shackleford, K., Ramasubramanian, S., Behm-Morawitz, E., Scharrer, E. Burgess, M., & Flemish, D. (2017). Social Group Stories in the Media and Child Development. Pediatrics. 140 (Supplement 2) S157-S161; doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758W.   Full-Text    Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S. & Yadlin-Segal, A. (2017). Media influence on stigma. In P. Roessler (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Media Effects. (pp. 1933-1940). Wiley-Blackwell/International Communication Association.    Direct Link    ResearchGate

Sousa, A & Ramasubramanian, S. (2017). Challenging gender and racial stereotypes in online spaces: Alternative storytelling among Latino/a youth in the U.S. In D. Lemish & M. Götz (Eds.). Beyond the Stereotypes – Images of Boys and Girls, and their Consequences (pp. 75-83). Gothenburg, Sweden: Nordicom Press.   Full-Text   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S. & Murphy, C.J. (2014). Experimental studies of media stereotyping effects. In M. Webster & J. Sell (Eds.). Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences (pp. 385-402). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S. & Kornfield, S. (2012). Japanese Anime Heroines as Role Models for U.S. Youth: Wishful Identification, Parasocial Interaction, and Intercultural Entertainment Effects. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 5(3), 189-207    Full-Text    Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S. & Kornfield, S. (August 2012). “I wish I could be like her: Japanese anime heroines as role models.” Communication Currents, 7(4).

Ramasubramanian, S. & Jain, P. (2009). Gender stereotypes and normative heterosexuality in matrimonial ads from globalizing India. Asian Journal of Communication, 19 (3), 253-269.   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S., & Martin, S. (2008). Teens and the new media environment: Challenges and opportunities. In A. B. Jordan, D. Kunkel, J. Manganello, & M. Fishbein (Eds.). Media Messages and Public Health: A Decisions Approach to Content Analysis (pp. 99-115). New York: Routledge.   Full-Text   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Oliver, M. B., Mahood, C., Kalyanaraman, S., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2007). Sexual and violent imagery in movie previews: Effects on viewer perceptions and anticipated enjoyment, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51(4), 596-614.    Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S. & Oliver, M.B. (2007). Portrayals of sexual violence in popular Hindi films (Journal Article Reprinted as Book Chapter). In R. Ghadially (Ed.). Urban Women in Contemporary India (pp.170-182). New Delhi: Sage Publications.   ResearchGate


Ramasubramanian, S. & Oliver, M.B. (2006). Portrayals of sexual violence in popular Hindi films (Journal Article Reprinted as Book Chapter). In C. K. Weaver & C. Carter (Eds.). Critical Readings: Violence and the Media (pp. 210-225). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.   ResearchGate


Ramasubramanian, S. (2005). A content analysis of the portrayal of India in films produced in the West. Howard Journal of Communication, 16(4), 243-265.   Direct Link    ResearchGate

Ramasubramanian, S. & Oliver, M.B. (2003). Portrayals of sexual violence in popular Hindi films, 1997-99, Sex Roles, 48, 327-336.   Direct Link    ResearchGate

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