Dr. Srivi's chapter on media stereotypes, which was published online in July 2014, is called "Experimental studies of media stereotyping effects," and written with graduate student co-author CJ Murphy.
Most notably, the chapter was selected as one of ScienceDirect's top ten most relevant pieces ever published in three different categories within social sciences:
"Stereotyping," and
Since its creation 23 years ago, ScienceDirect has become the world's leading web-based platform for scientific, technical, and medical research via its 18 million journals, books, and articles. It is a distinct and unique honor for not just Dr. Srivi but for Texas A&M University as well as Communication as a discipline that Dr. Srivi's work has been recognized this way.
Dr. Srivi's and CJ Murphy's chapter contains vital information for more mindful consumption of media and its effects on shaping social identity and ethnic stereotypes. The chapter argues that, in a modern social environment, consumers' relationships with media portrayals often form their first references of interactive information about people groups. It provides scholars with the key concepts, variables, experimental designs, and theories associated with media stereotyping processes and effects.
Given that mass media have habitually misrepresented and underrepresented minority groups, this chapter provides up-to-date and nuanced information about theorizing and research within experimental research, quantitative methods, and media psychology. Specifically, it informs the reader about how media stereotyping studies have applied social identity perspectives and experimental methods to understand the ways in which stereotypical content affects the audience's opinions on people across group affiliations. This research is crucial to understand the root causes behind prejudice against out-groups and ways to counter them.
“The advancement of interactive, digital, global, and personalized media presents new opportunities for scholars to test whether existing media stereotyping theories hold true and also to use these formats for methodological advances in experimental research,” Srividya Ramasubramanian and C.J. Murphy state within this chapter.
Content-wise, the chapter includes reviews of advancements in lab-based research in media stereotyping scholarship. Dr. Srivi and CJ Murphy underscore the long-term benefits of experimental investigations over viewers' feelings about gender, race, and sexual orientation. Finally, the chapter contains explanations of several identity theories that any conscious consumer ought to know.
To read and cite this publication:
Ramasubramanian, S. & Murphy, C.J. (2014). Experimental studies of media stereotyping effects. In M. Webster & J. Sell (Eds.). Laboratory Experiments in the Social Sciences (pp. 385-402). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-404681-8.00017-0 Direct Link ResearchGate
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