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Dr Srivi to speak on data justice and engaged research at Rutgers-New Brunswick event
On February 13, Dr. Srivi will lead a discussion organized by the Power & Inequality Working Group at the Rutgers-New Brunswick School of...

Dr. Srivi Represents Syracuse University at Michigan Universities
By Nicole Cheah, MND Journalism Undergraduate | February 5, 2024 Dr. Srivi Ramasubramanian, founding director of CODE^SHIFT...

Bach To the Future: Exploring a Borderless World in Education
Dear CODE^SHIFT community, Please join us for this unique presentation & piano performance by our visiting speaker & artist from India -...

Dr. Srivi Ramasubramanian’s Spring 2023 Talks
by Maya Espinel, first year Public Relations and Political Science majors, Newhouse School & Maxwell School – April 12, 2023 Dr. Srivi...

CODE^SHIFT 2022 June Newsletter
Check out the June Newsletter from CODE^SHIFT Team

Dr. Srivi Speaks on Media and Racial Justice for FDU Schering-Plough Executive Lecture Series
Dr.Srivi Ramasubramanian has stepped on the virtual stage again as an expert speaker to introduce the topic of media and diversity at...

Research Assistant Positions Available!
MULTIPLE POSITIONS: CODE^SHIFT RESEARCH ASSISTANT(S) Description of research, professional creative or writing project: The Grad RA’s...

Call for Extended Abstracts: "Difficult Conversations Concerning Identity and Difference"
Call for Extended Abstracts (due Nov 7, 2021) Special issue of ICA journal, Human Communication Research, on "Difficult Conversations...

Leading Communication Scholar Srividya Ramasubramanian Joins the Newhouse Faculty
Srividya “Srivi” Ramasubramanian will join the Newhouse School this fall as the Newhouse Professor, an endowed chair position.

Dr. Srivi Wins Applied/Public Policy Research Award From the International Communication Association
The tumult of the past 18 months has displayed that effective communication is the language of progress. The skill of communication is a...

Dr. Srivi and Dr. Scharrer Host Virtual Book Launch Party For Their Best-Seller Book
On Friday, May 28, about 70 researchers and social justice advocates gathered for a virtual event to celebrate the release of...

#ICA21: I'm Excited For....
1. THIS YEAR'S THEME "Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice" -- When the ICA 2021...

You're Invited! Book Launch Party on Friday, May 28
In this society, numbers talk. By quantifying the real-world impact of social justice initiatives, activists can learn where and how to...

How Code^Shift Humanizes Data for Social Justice
Machine learning algorithms are as biased as the humans from which they emerged. Many people view the computational machinery that...

How Quarantined Across Borders Played A Role During The Pandemic
“The role of humanities is to bring empathy and perspective,” said Dr. Srivi “Srivi” Ramasubramanian. That quote was the main takeaway...

Dr. Srivi Leads National Media And Diversity Networking Event
On April 21, from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. CST, the University of Missouri’s Media & Diversity Center (MDC) held a virtual networking event....

Dr. Srivi Talks about Media, Data Sciences, and Social Justice in Data4Justice Conference
On April 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CST), QSIDE's Data4Justice Conference assembled activists and academics alike, to communicate their...

Register: The Role of Humanities in a Time of Pandemic
Webinar: The Role of Humanities in a Time of Pandemic Wednesday, April 21, 2021 | 4:00-5:00pm CST CLICK HERE to register for the Zoom...
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